Frank Szabo
Try this scenario -So AA will be forced to curtail growth because it can't find any qualified mechanics? That doesn't sound realistic. Not in the least.
... snip
American continues hiring anything that says it's a mekanik. Six months after the hiring binge (to comply with the TWU rules, I believe, as to when a new hire can begin voting FOR a piss-poor contract), and soon after "buying" said lovely contract, a massive layoff of everything that was hired (plus some) unless the contract terms were so pitiful, the company can "afford" to keep on unnecessary heads to produce dues for their union, very much like the present situation.
If my memory serves me correctly, the FAA requires only 1 certificated mechanic to oversee the activities of 12 non-certificated mekaniks - please correct me if I'm mistaken but if this is the FAA rule, I see the company and their union moving to grab any savings/dues gain they can by fully embracing the FAA mandated minimums as has already been done in the arena of aircraft maintenance.
FYI - a "qualified mekanik" and a Certificated Aircraft Mechanic are not necessarily the same thing. American and the TWU have a rule that a person can't bid to any job where an A&P Cert is "Required" (union/company issue - not per FAA), but an individual (non-certificated) who is surplused to an area requiring said certificate is the most qualified SOB on the planet for the job (per ongoing company practice).
I look for the TWU/Company to eliminate the certificate requirement in the near future if the company is unable to fill the ranks with certificated mechs. - IF what Bob is saying is correct re the lack of mechanic availability due to the lack of schools to crank them out with common sense taking over & guiding the kids towards other careers in which they aren't treated like dirt.
My time after the military was spent learning my trade (Tool & Diemaker) and it's done the family well for the last 35 years. There are no schools, only the hard way and apprenticeships in the eastern USA - nothing here as employers simply don't give a damn when they can get their needs fills by Chinese prison labor that isn't paid at all. I won't suggest my trade to a newbie either for those very reasons.
Bottom line - this is all about pandering to the dollar. Employment of the citizen and one's country's ability to produce goods are immaterial anymore - THAT, boys and girls, is all that's taught in MBA schools anymore.
[extreme sarcasm]
FYI - a forklift driver told me last night an agreement had been reached re: our contract. It includes full retro pay to to 13 April, 2003, full restoration of ALL benefits forfeited and a $7500 signing bonus (upped to take care of the taxes as is done with the executives). With the exception of executive bonuses (which will be paid at double the previous rates beginning next month), our new contract is scheduled to take effect on 24 December 2012.
😛 Merry Christmas from the Mayans. 😛
[/extreme sarcasm]