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Aug 30, 2002
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The stock closed at $4.95/share today.You people that think this is due to the threat of war in Iraq or the overall decline in the market had better pull your heads out of the sand! The investors have lost ALL confidence in the AMR management to correct the problems that would return the airline to profits.A band aid will not fix a wound that requires major surgery.AMR stock this week fell a much higher percentage that the the other carriers.
Why do you have a smiley at the end of this report you have posted ? Are you gleeful at the prospect of AMR going down ? If so, please spare us the gloating. AMR people have it tough enough as it is.
Now I can average the high stock I own with some cheap stuff.

Over the short haul the stock price means nothing, AA is selling airline transportation not stock for a living.

The entire market is down, when I saw the news I just tried to recall if Dubya had given another speech
HI-LOCK wrote:

The investors have lost ALL confidence in the AMR management to correct the problems that would return the airline to profits.

And the Rock of Gibraltar of investor confidence you work for is.......
On 9/20/2002 8:09:56 PM verhalen2003 wrote:

Why do you have a smiley at the end of this report you have posted ? Are you gleeful at the prospect of AMR going down ? If so, please spare us the gloating. AMR people have it tough enough as it is.

Buy more AMR stock as the price is very affordable!
HI-LOCK wrote:

Buy more AMR stock as the price is very affordable!

Increased my participation in the stock purchase plan Tuesday.
On 9/21/2002 6:17:16 AM HI-LOCK wrote:

Buy more AMR stock as the price is very affordable!
Just added AMR stock to my 401k for the first time in my career!![img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']
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