At various airports recently, the private contractor ticket checker at the security checkpoint (an AA contractor) has been checking carryon bags with the AA tubular carryon sizer box. When the bags don't fit, the moat dragon tells the offender to go back and check the bags. This has happened recently at LGA. At other airports, gate agents have been enforcing the use of the sizer boxes and gate-checking bags that don't fit.
While I tend to agree with enforcing size limits on carryon bags, my question is this:
Did the FAA (or another agency) recently fine AA for allowing too many carryons or for allowing carryons of excessive size?
Reason I ask is that employees are telling passengers that AA was fined over carryon bags and that prompted AA to act. Of course, the FAA doesn't care how large the bags are as long as all carryons are properly stowed. More likely, someone caught AA allowing too many carryons.
Can anyone confirm if the FAA fined AA recently? Thanks.
While I tend to agree with enforcing size limits on carryon bags, my question is this:
Did the FAA (or another agency) recently fine AA for allowing too many carryons or for allowing carryons of excessive size?
Reason I ask is that employees are telling passengers that AA was fined over carryon bags and that prompted AA to act. Of course, the FAA doesn't care how large the bags are as long as all carryons are properly stowed. More likely, someone caught AA allowing too many carryons.
Can anyone confirm if the FAA fined AA recently? Thanks.