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American Airlines to Fly From Chicago to Moscow

AA may be ok EQ wise without upgrading/downgrading existing routes. There was one 777 leased out to Boeing for 787 flight control testing, and a 762 or 763 subleased out to an undisclosed party out of the Florida Panhandle. I'd expect that one or both are back on property by now.
They will also leasing a 767-300 for the winglet mod testing for 8 months come January.
Yes. Flt 768 was routed JFK-BRU-SVO. It started in the mid nineties, I believe, and lasted a couple of years. It was a 767-200 to BRU and a 727 between BRU and SVO.


exactly, but at one time L1011 to BRU. MXP and BCN also TWA routes out of JFK. AA has not looked into JFK -ATH (now Delta), JFK - TLV (now CO I think out of EWR, and JFK - CAI (I think CO does that too out of EWR. AA probably is not welcome in TLV the way they closed that station.
We have all gotten so used to USA airlines only flying from US to some point in EU and back that we forget that Pan Am and TWA had cabotage rights to fly country to country in Europe.

This is true. And even intra-country when it came to Pan Am and West Germany, on the routes to Berlin.
AA has not looked into JFK -ATH (now Delta), JFK - TLV (now CO I think out of EWR, and JFK - CAI (I think CO does that too out of EWR. AA probably is not welcome in TLV the way they closed that station.

Technically, TW closed it. It was specifically excluded from the acquisition.

And I don't know that AA hasn't looked into ATH, TLV, or CAI, but given how big of a target a red, white & blue aircraft with the name "American" on it presents in that peaceful corner of the world, I don't blame AA or UA for staying clear of the Eastern Mediterranean markets...
I think Delta just announced all those routes from JFK just recently. And United also is planing or already is flying from IAD to Kuwait.
We have all gotten so used to USA airlines only flying from US to some point in EU and back that we forget that Pan Am and TWA had cabotage rights to fly country to country in Europe.
🙄 ------ I flew TWA from JFK to Lisbon, to Madrid, to Rome, to Athens, to Frankfort, to London, back to JFK. They called them their "Perimeter Fares". But that was a long time ago! On 707's!
<_< ----- I was told by some Senior TWA management types early on in the AA/TWA transition that AA actually considered taking over TWA's routes into Tel Aviv, Ciro, and even Jetta! But quickly discarded the idea! I guess that infamous picture of the TWA 727, on the Beirut tarmac, with a gun to that Capt.'s head came to mind!
Technically, TW closed it. It was specifically excluded from the acquisition.

And I don't know that AA hasn't looked into ATH, TLV, or CAI, but given how big of a target a red, white & blue aircraft with the name "American" on it presents in that peaceful corner of the world, I don't blame AA or UA for staying clear of the Eastern Mediterranean markets...

If there was money to be made there...we'd be there..
with our red white and blue a blazin'..
Its the American way...
If there was money to be made there...we'd be there..
with our red white and blue a blazin'..
Its the American way...

Well UAL, sure doesn't let it stop them... They fly IAD-KWI 3 times a week and going daily very soon, It is VERY profitable so they say... The mid - east is very lucrative but yes, VERY dangerous.
...capital city of Volkslandia? :lol:

<_< ----- Well, I never calmed to be the worlds best in Geography, or the spelling of Cities in Saudi Arabia! but I have worked with quit a few people who worked for Saudia under contract from TWA! They made a killing in tax free money!!! Their normal salary was taxed, but all O.T. was in local currency! And from what I've heard, that was a bunch!
🙄 ------ I flew TWA from JFK to Lisbon, to Madrid, to Rome, to Athens, to Frankfort, to London, back to JFK. They called them their "Perimeter Fares". But that was a long time ago! On 707's!

Yes, there were lots of intereuropean routes. I liked FRA-VIE. We did Lisbon - Casablanca. Last I looked AA still had the rights to Tunis, Tunisia and Tripoli, Libya. The european F/As who manned the flights into Tripoli were always terrified they would be kidnapped and end up in the desert on a camel sleeping in sheik's tent.
We have plenty of Mandarin speakers in ORD. I am not really sure why they keep having proffers. Yes, they probably aren't comfortable with the amount currently on hand and are trying to raise the numbers, but there are some that actually do reserve. So they have at least a little over the minimum. I have a feeling that the recent recalls from TW might hold some CM speaker quals, thus the 2nd proffer in 2 months. On to the Russian speakers, a lot of the Polish F/A's speak Russian as well. Also, so do some of the native (east) german speakers. I am confident, they will find enough from the currently employed. Don't forget, that if the MO legislation doesn't pass, they will be free to hire all the chinese and russian speakers they want next summer. Plenty of time for PEK. Just a thought.