American Airlines Reports August Traffic

Maybe their traffic wouldn't be down if they would just quit stranding people at the airports with cancelled flights and their "no hold" rule. I just shook my head in disgust during last weeks storms in Miami when AA cancelled flights left and right while all the stranded AA passengers just stared out the windows . . .watching the competition take of without a problem.
You want to deny it MiAAmi?? AA declared "bad weather" and cancelled many of their flights while competitors such as Continental and Delta continued to get their flights out, on time, no problem. Customers do not understand that when they see it, they all feel that AA uses it as an excuse to cancel a flight that's not full enough for their taste, and because it's a weather delay, no acommodations or refunds need be provided. When it comes to bad PR in AA cities, MIA certainly leads them all.

As to your bankruptcy comment, had employees not coughed up such huge pay cuts (I'm still chuckling over that one), it most likely would have happened. However, the executive level certainly thanks you for the nice profit sharing bonuses they are going to get this year - on TOP of their private bankruptcy-proof retirement fund. Any employee who takes a pay cut for any reason has no respect for their own skills, and admits that by allowing an employer to pay them less for what they do, oftentimes the same amount of work or, in the case of AA, a doubling up on the work load in exchange for a cut in pay. Way to go! :up:
You are right about AA not having to pay for accomodations in regards to weather. However, do you realize how many flight deverted last week because of weather? Sure AA could have waited and ran these flights but they would have been over 5-6 hours late. This would have caused a ripple effect for days and even more pax would have been effected. Instead they opted to let the weather effect only those pax on that day. The reason that the other carriers were not cancelling was that they don't have near the # of flights that AA has. Its alot easier to get one or two flights out of a couple of gates that have no connecting pax than it is to get 100's of flights out with connecting pax and crew. AA is no different than the other carriers at their hubs. Thanks for the pat on the back for taking a pay cut. I think your just looking to stir the pot buy suggesting that I or anyone else has less respect for their skills just because they agreed to cuts that enabled the company to survive BK. I actually think it takes guts to stick with it and allow management to reach into my pocket and fix their mistakes. I think Kirkpatrick said it a few weeks back, "Time will Tell" We are not out of the woods yet but things are looking brighter no matter what kind of spin you would like to put on them.
MiAAmi said:
I actually think it takes guts to stick with it and allow management to reach into my pocket and fix their mistakes.

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