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Airports with foot washing basins

I mean where does this sh!t end?

Mark of the Beast
The Islamic purification ritual, known in Arabic as "wudu," involves a 10-step process, which includes:

1. Praising Allah while washing both hands up to the wrist three times, making sure that the water reaches between fingers and under rings.
2. Rinsing out the mouth thoroughly three times, using the right hand (the one not used for cleaning private parts) to bring the water to the mouth.

3. Snorting water into the nostrils from the right hand, three times, to cleanse them of demons that Muslims believe reside there, clearing the passages of any mucous using the left hand.

4. Washing off the tip of the nose with the left hand.

5. Washing the entire face three times from right ear to left ear.

6. Continuing to wash from forehead to throat.

7. Washing the right arm and then the left arm, three times, from the wrist up to the elbow, removing watches.

8. Moving wetted palms over the head from the top of the forehead to the back of the head.

9. Passing the wetted tips of the fingers into the grooves and holes of both ears, and also passing the wetted thumbs behind the ears and ear lobes.

10. Finally, washing both feet to the ankles starting with the right foot, including between the toes, then reciting:
"Ash-hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wa ashhadu anna Muammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh" –
meaning there is no god but Allah and he has no partners, and Muhammad is his servant and messenger.

No more toilet paper!!!

That will show us... :wacko:


PS: I think they spelt voodoo incorrect :shock:
I think they spelt voodoo incorrect :shock:

Perhaps the 'V' is silent in Arabic... :unsure:

...Also I was wondering since they use the right hand for washing out the mouth, instead of the (left) which is used for cleaning private parts, then why is it they use the unclean hand to wash the tip of the nose? something just does'nt smell right...🙂
Perhaps the 'V' is silent in Arabic... :unsure:

Voodoo shower... 😛
Maybe if they took a freaking shower once in awhile, this wouldn't be necessary... 🙄

Having observed this ‘ritual’ first hand (living in SA) brings back some ‘unwanted’ visuals and nasty olfactory memories.
Voodoo shower... 😛

Is that akin to a golden shower?.. :unsure:

Maybe if they took a freaking shower once in awhile, this wouldn't be necessary... 🙄


sheryl crow just thinks she's onto something with all this water and toilet paper conservation, the arabs have known this secret for thousands of years. 😀

Having observed this ‘ritual’ first hand (living in SA) brings back some ‘unwanted’ visuals and nasty olfactory memories.

Yes, I had the unpleasant experience of attending A&P School with about half a dozen saudi students over here to train (Im familiar with that odor). Walked into the restroom one day only to find one standing in the Industrial size circular hand wash basin, it was quite the site.
Say....doesn't government tax money build airports?

Wouldn't this be a separation of church/state issue?

Betcha ACLU won't touch dat..... 😉

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