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Ahmadinejad: No Seriously, The Holocaust Didn't Happen And Obama Should Abandon Israel


May 17, 2008
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Maybe this is something that Obama can talk to him about, after he gets done with the chorus of apologies he has planned in Cairo. He's already conceded that Iran's nuclear aspirations are legitimate even though they float on a sea of oil, and want Israel wiped off the map, so it's not like they'll have much else to talk about:

The hardline Ahmadinejad, who is seeking a second term in office, reiterated on Wednesday his anti-Israel stance and called the Holocaust a "big deception." He also accused the world's liberal democracies of degrading "human values" with their pro-Israel policies, according to quotes carried by the news website of Iranian state television. "The identity of the liberal democracy has been exposed to the world by its protection of the most criminal regime in the history of humanity, the Zionist regime, by using the big deception of the Holocaust. "There is no doubt that the only way to replace the liberal thought is to go back to the teachings of the divine prophets," Ahmadinejad said.

On the other hand, they still have to discuss Iran's naval saber-rattling, including the six warships they just sent into international waters. So the Holocaust probably won't come up. No worries. Our diplomats can still mention it at all the July 4th celebrations to which we're inviting Iranian dignitaries. Nice move by Ahmadinejad though. When Obama strikes an anti-Israel pose tomorrow, he gets to claim credit and reap any electoral benefits. Iranian hardliners will also get to do their usual crowing about how "Iranian steadfastness" is paying off dividends. The 50 year old but still fresh line about how the West is abandoning Israel and anti-Zionist victory is nigh will also make an appearance. So all things considered, I think tomorrow's going go awesome.