ADVISORY/AMR Labor Coalition Press Conference


Aug 20, 2002
[BR][BR][A href= target=_parent][/A][BR][BR][BR][BR]
[P]WHERE: Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Marriott South, 4151 CentrePort Drive, Fort Worth, TX, in the CentrePort Room off the main lobby (hotel is located in CentrePort, which is near the intersection of Highways 183 and 360 south of D/FW Airport).
[P]WHEN: Tuesday, January 21 beginning at 11 AM Central.
[P]WHY: The five unions share a common perspective on the current situation.[/P]
AMR Labor Coalition Acknowledges Importance of ``Active Engagement''
With Management to Find Solutions, Criticizes Continuing Effort to
Take Away Workers' Rights

Tuesday January 21, 12:23 pm ET
Cites management's lobbying on Capitol Hill to rewrite Railway Labor
Act, impose forced arbitration on workers

FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 21, 2003-- The AMR Labor
Coalition, comprised of the five unions representing American
Airlines and American Eagle employees (NYSE:AMR - News), expressed
its support today for "active engagement" with AMR management
regarding the difficulties their airlines are currently experiencing,
but also strongly criticized the simultaneous effort by management to
rewrite the Railway Labor Act.
The Railway Labor Act has governed collective bargaining in the
airline industry since 1934. In a news conference today in Fort
Worth, Texas, AMR Labor Coalition representatives pointed out that
the Railway Labor Act is well established as an effective dispute
resolution tool. During the decade of the 1990s, for example, there
were only four airline strikes in the U.S. Two of the four strikes
involved American Airlines employees--the flight attendants in 1993
and the pilots in 1997 (the White House intervened in the pilots'
strike by convening a Presidential Emergency Board).

The Air Transport Association (ATA)--which serves as the principal
lobbying organization for airline management--has been lobbying for
changes to the Railway Labor Act to institute forced arbitration at
the conclusion of negotiations, rather than permitting the parties to
engage in self-help. However, since the effort to change the Railway
Labor Act does not have the unanimous support of ATA's member
carriers, it appears that the primary lobbying responsibility is now
assigned to the so-called Communities for Economic Strength Through
Aviation, known as CESTA. CESTA was formed for the sole purpose of
lobbying for changes to the Act.

The AMR Labor Coalition is made up of the following:

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO (TWU), which represents the 34,500
mechanics and ground employees of American Airlines and American
Allied Pilots Association (APA), which represents the 13,500 pilots
of American Airlines.
Association of Professional Flight Attendants, AFL-CIO (APFA), which
represents the 21,000 flight attendants of American Airlines.
American Eagle Master Executive Council, Air Line Pilots Association,
Int'l, AFL-CIO (ALPA), which represents the 2,300 pilots of American
Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), which represents the 1,400
flight attendants of American Eagle.
"Now more than ever, our pilots are committed to helping ensure the
future viability of American Airlines," said Captain John E. Darrah,
President of the Allied Pilots Association. "Given the magnitude of
the challenges confronting our airline and our industry, it's
critical that we work cooperatively with management. Yet that
essential cooperation will be very difficult to achieve as long as
management persists in trying to take away our basic rights in
collective bargaining."

"For the past six years, the Eagle pilots' contract has contained a
provision for mandatory arbitration at the conclusion of
negotiations," said Captain Herb Mark, Chairman of the American Eagle
Master Executive Council, ALPA. "The impact of this provision is that
our pilots have fallen steadily behind their industry peers in terms
of compensation and benefits. It removes any incentive for management
to bargain in good faith."

"After the attacks of September 11, it was the employees of American
Airlines and American Eagle that stepped in to save our airlines,"
said James Little, Vice President of the Transport Workers Union. "In
fact, the employees have always done their part in hard times. And
this is the thanks we get? In our last round of contract negotiations
with American in 2001, we reached agreement on all eight contracts
without the involvement of the National Mediation Board."

"It's interesting to note that the executives of the airlines that
are doing the best during this difficult period are not supporting
any changes to the Railway Labor Act," said John Ward, President of
the Association of Professional Flight Attendants. "Evidently those
executives are seeing firsthand the value of good employee relations,
particularly at a time like this. By contrast, the airline executives
who are lobbying for changing the Railway Labor Act are those with a
history of poor employee relations, and perhaps not coincidentally,
those having the most difficulty in today's environment."

"If management truly wants our help, they need to cease and desist in
their efforts to gut the collective bargaining process and renounce
any support--financial or otherwise--for CESTA," said Bill Hennessey,
President of the Association of Flight Attendants. "Otherwise, it
will be virtually impossible to have the open, constructive dialog--
the `active engagement' process management is calling for--that we
all agree is needed."
The Management-Labor thing is destined to fail. The two groups have diametrically opposed objectives. It's kinda like watching a game of chicken.
From the Labor Coalition Article, we get an idea about the names that were representing labor...but who was there from AA management?
Had the chance to be at the press conf. There was no-one from mngt that I know of. The way I read it is, "if and until AA withdrawals their support of baseball style arbitration ie. reform of the RLA, there will be little or no co-operation from any of the 5 Unions represented on AA property."
Seems AA wants releif from labor costs on one hand but wants to fight the unions with the other. The proverbial handshake but with a backstabing knife in the other.
Work with us {AA} while we try to detroy your right to strike by changing to Railway Labor Act. If this were to come to pass at negotiations AA would stall. The union could not strike. AA keeps flying with no threat of a work stopage and HO HUM AA will just go to arbitration.
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Maybe the leadership should ask the members if they are willing to have their future and jobs used as the hostage tool to protect a seldom used right to strike? I believe 1967 for the TWU. And a 24 minute strike for APA (Stopped by Clinton)? And I remember the TWU membership fearing their own jobs over the APA strike situation. How many years of employment service is this worth anyway?[BR][BR]So AA just takes us to Chapter 11, forces the givebacks and continues the pursuit of S-1327? What changes by the union threat?[BR][BR]We are now placing our jobs, paychecks, and futures in the face of politics? Damn dangerous indeed! If we are going to risk our jobs, let's do it in complete defiance of the law later with an industry wide membership, instead of such foolish tactics during such bad times. Who gives a rats arse about the law, if you dont like the wage the industry pays then pack your bags and leave on volunteer basis. But dont let a group of out-of-touch leaders destroy your job in a game of chicken. Last time a game of chicken was played in our industry both Lorenzo and the Eastern Airline employees lost everything.[BR][BR]There are other ways to handle political issues without such high risk tactics. I thought we (TWU) paid affilation dues to the AFL-CIO to handle these items? And now because the AFL-CIO is too busy with other non-aviation agendas, we have to risk our employment?[BR][BR][BR]It is interesting how the union leaders take such risky positions with our familes futures without debate, input, or vote of the members.[BR][BR]I AM THE UNION MY A$$!
I like this stance to what GW is doing right now. Did he ask the american population if they want to attack Iraq? Did he use the political ranglings of other countries to do what he wants does he speak for all americans? What ever your answer is, think about this. What our leaders were elected for is to protect our "WAY OF LIFE" Some do it well and others do it really really bad. What I hope from this coalition is that they do put a stop to bad labor relations at AMR by no allowing a terrorist, Bin Ladin or Carty, to just be able to walk into our homes and do what ever they want to our pay, our benefits or our way of life just to benefit the shareholders or followers of "radical" Islam. See how they can be one in the same!

I have put my life on the line for this country many times before and I do the same for AA every time the parking brake is released. I would do it again and again for both, unselfishly, if it means that your family and my family can live in security as Proud AMERICANS! (Either way you look at it)

I just hope these terrorists get the picture! We are not afraid to protect our family! If you try to hurt us with innocent people and tall buildings or you try to legislate our rights and freedoms away, just because you dont like us or our way of life, We will fight until the last breath!

Semper Fi
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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 11:03:15 AM gogogadget wrote: [BR][BR]I like this stance to what GW is doing right now. Did he ask the american population if they want to attack Iraq? Did he use the political ranglings of other countries to do what he wants does he speak for all americans? What ever your answer is, think about this. What our leaders were elected for is to protect our "WAY OF LIFE" Some do it well and others do it really really bad. What I hope from this coalition is that they do put a stop to bad labor relations at AMR by no allowing a terrorist, Bin Ladin or Carty, to just be able to walk into our homes and do what ever they want to our pay, our benefits or our way of life just to benefit the shareholders or followers of "radical" Islam. See how they can be one in the same! [BR][BR]I have put my life on the line for this country many times before and I do the same for AA every time the parking brake is released. I would do it again and again for both, unselfishly, if it means that your family and my family can live in security as Proud AMERICANS! (Either way you look at it)[BR][BR]I just hope these terrorists get the picture! We are not afraid to protect our family! If you try to hurt us with innocent people and tall buildings or you try to legislate our rights and freedoms away, just because you dont like us or our way of life, We will fight until the last breath![BR][BR]Semper Fi----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]Your disgusting comparison of Bin Laden to Carty speaks for itself.[BR][BR]I have no idea how you conclude they "can be one of the same".[BR][BR]The defense of our country coupled with a response to a homeland attack and death of nearly 3000 innocent American's, while risking the lives of our armed forces, is as far from management/union partnerships or conflicts as one could get. [BR][BR]I cannot in this forum use the words required to describe your grievous error![BR][BR]GOD what do I work with?[BR]
Can anyone find out if the rumor is true:
Carty and Arpey, the two that signed the letter calling for "active engagement" and an opening meeting on the 20th of Jan, did not even bother showing up for a meeting THEY requested?

My apoligies, I guess I did say they were one in the same.

My bag!

Anyway, I like to use metaphors, it helps drive home the point!

First you need to relax a little before you have a coranary. I never said they were one in the same. Carty is not a Bin ladin, but he is attacking our way of life in the same fashion! Do you get the similarities at all? Do you see the forest for the trees? AMR (Carty Primarily) is leading a charge to take away some of our basic freedoms. The right to strike is one of those items! Just as the right to work for a decent living. The tactics he is using and the premise that he is using to hurt us (us=all labor) is just as underhanded and sneaky and keniving as techniques used by terrorists to hurt other people. (He will lie behind your back and at the same time smile in your face all the while taking food and security and college tuition for your kids just to make his buddies on the board and major stock holders richer or happier)

If this is not terrorism what is? It may not be as grandious as what has been in the news lately about Iraq, but no matter how small, it is still terrorism. Think about it, He does not hesitate to blame 9/11 for our ills and change in the industry, but he has not once come out and accepted any responsibility for our predicament. JUST BLAME LABOR!

The drums are beating for war in Iraq just as they are beating for war agains Labor!

Can You Hear it!
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[BR][FONT size=+2][FONT face="Arial,Helvetica,Univers,MS Sans Serif,sans-serif"]ter•ror•ism[/FONT][/FONT][BR][BR]Pronunciation: [FONT face="Times New Roman,Roman,Garamond,MS Serif,serif"](ter'u-riz"um),[/FONT][BR]—n. [BR]1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes. [BR]2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. [BR]3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.[BR][BR]I would submit that this definition is closer to the act of a Organized Labor Strike than any C.E.O. contributing or supporting a political lobbying group and attempting to submit a Senate Bill for open debate and vote![BR][BR]In fact, I find no acts of violence or threats in managements attempt to change law. This acitivty is happening within the framework of our constitution. [BR][BR]Are you really attempting to eliminate their "freedom" to submit and lobby for changes in the law?[BR][BR]You and I could read historical details about Labor Strikes and find far more violence, threats, and intimidation within this framework than is visible is Carty's current activity.[BR][BR]One could probably even argue on the Senate floor given the history of labor, that preventions of strikes would prevent a proven form of terrorism by definition. And this wouldn't be done using metaphors either, it would based on hard core documented facts.[!--/BodyText--][BR][BR]Example:[BR][FONT size=3]UAW Strike Victims Settle 5-Year-Old Suit [/FONT][BR][BR]By Kelly Cupp [BR]The Winchester Star [BR][BR][BR][BR][FONT face=New size=3 Schlbk Century]A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit between six people and the United Autoworkers Union Local No. 149 for actions that occurred almost five years ago during a UAW strike in Winchester. [BR][BR]The six plaintiffs claim to have been victims of harassment, violence, and vandalism for crossing picket lines during a strike at the former Abex Friction Products (now Federal-Mogul Friction Products) in Winchester. [/FONT][BR][BR][STRONG][FONT size=3]More Strike Terrorism:[BR][BR][/FONT][/STRONG]
[FONT color=#000099 size=+1]UPS Employee Files Civil Conspiracy Lawsuit After Stabbing by Teamsters Union Assailants [/FONT][BR][BR]​
[FONT color=#000000][BR][BR]Attorneys today filed suit against the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 769, and ten union officials and assailants for their involvement in the bloody assault on Rod Carter during the nationwide Teamsters strike against United Parcel Service (UPS). [BR][BR]The complaint filed today in Florida's Circuit Court for Broward County charges the defendants with civil conspiracy, assault and battery, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and loss of consortium. [BR][BR]The suit also outlines racketeering charges against Local 769 for engaging in a "pattern of criminal activity" under the Florida Criminal Practice Act. [BR][BR]Rod Carter, linebacker for the 1989 University of Miami Hurricanes and former 10th round draft choice of the Dallas Cowboys, continued to work during the nationally ordered Teamsters strike against UPS. When interviewed by a television reporter, Carter explained that he continued to work to support his family. Following his comments on television, Carter and his wife, Earthly, received a threatening phone call which phone records show was placed from the home of Anthony Cannestro, Sr., president of Local 769. [BR][BR]The complaint says that on the following day, a car driven by Marcelo Rodriguez and carrying union militants Orestes Espinosa, Angel Mielgo, Werner Haechler, Benigno Rojas, and Adrian Paez pulled behind Carter's UPS truck. Mielgo jumped from the vehicle, drew Carter from the truck, and began punching, kicking, and beating him. Espinosa, Paez, and Haechler quickly joined Mielgo in beating Carter. During the scramble, Rojas produced an ice pick and stabbed Carter six times. The union paid to bail out the assailants who, except for Rojas, never served a jail sentence. [BR][BR]"Rod Carter chose to exercise his Right to Work. For that, he became a target for a union campaign of intimidation and brutal violence,"[BR][BR][STRONG]Feel free to give me any examples you have of acts of violence and threats that airline management is using against the employees while attempting to lobby and change law?[/STRONG][/FONT]
On 1/22/2003 7:01:19 PM Hopeful wrote:

As per Jim Little, Carty ANd Arpey were not present.
Did you really think they would be there to take the heat.
No I think not.

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