A Tragedy..vintage 1942


Apr 23, 2003
I am going to tell you all a stoty that will captivate you totaly.It will take me a few weeks to tell this story so please bear with me.It would be nice if no one replied to it untill it is over.I promise to write some of it every day. Here I go, please enjoy.

High on the coast of Labrador,the icy waters of snow fed streams flow to meet the sea through the steep, rocky walls of Saglek fjord.Between June and October they flow, but for the remainder of the year all exposed water is frozen, often to the depths of several feet.Archaeologists have uncovered the residue of ancient residents who hunted and fished the waters of the fjord as early as 2580 B.C. Their stone hearth, with charcol still intact, has been uncoverd on Rose Island in the mouth of the bay.
Today a small U.S. Air Force converted radar site houses a tropospheric comminications link to the northmost outposts of our hemispheric defence systems.From the steep hieghts,U.S. contractor maintenance personal overlook the vast stretches of frozen tundra and infrequently visible blue green of the Atlantic.On a flat stretch of this barren land, at the base of the steep bluff now crowned by a radome and the concave billboard antennas of the site, our story finds a setting.No more than fifty yards from the present runway site, lie the weatherd remains of a B26 medium bomber of World War II VINTAGE.
On 30 November 1942, the 18oo foot cliff overlooking the ocean and Saglek Bay witnessed the beginning of a tragedy.Although only a few miles from an Eskimo village, none of the crew walked out.On December 23, three members started south in a boat that was part of the aircrafts emergency gear. They were never seen again.The remaining crewmen stayed with the downed plane,existing for months in sub zero temperatures in the belief that help would arrive. The diary of the B26 pilot has been retained intact, the last entry added in February 1943.
The story begins at Bw1, Greenland, as the long arctic winter has shortened the days and winter is closing in as the seven man crew awaits clearance for the flight home.First stop Goose Bay Labrador.
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November 12 1942
Weve less than six hours of daylight between sunrise and sunset now.Had about two inches of snow last night and everything was really pretty.Spent most of the night and morning sweeping it off the plane.They said that theres a chance of leaving tomorrow but this place seems so much like home that it doesnt seem like we should leave.

November 16 1942
This place is full of changes.Yesterday afternoon Jansen and I walked donw to the river.There was a solid sheet of ice resting on the rocks, and it was covered with almost two inches of snow.Every once in a while, we would break through up to our knees, but there was nothing under the ice. Last night we had rain with a awarm wind with gusts up to better than 60 miles per hour. so this morning there was only isolated patches of ice left.Today was the first time in two weeks that we have been able to walk on bare ground. Weve had all kinds of weather, most of the days werfairly warm.But one day it was six degrees.Weve seen days when not a breath of air stirred.

November 26 1942
I still say this is screwy weather.We were alerted this morning at 0330. There was a solid overcast. we killed time untill 0600 when we got briefed.It wsa still overcast and seemed to be getting worse. The A10s and B25s started kicking off, but about then it started to rain and the ceiling looked like it was very low. About 10 minutes later it stopped raining and an A20 came over at 600 feet with room to spare. By 0830 the sun was shining and everthing looked as nice as we could ask for, but it was too late to take off.
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November 30 1942

Took off at last for Goose Bay.About 1315 re ran into some clouds and I turned around and called for the formation to turn around also_One plane dropped out.Ithink I saw the P40s later. I lost the others while letting down below the clouds. We saw an opening to the south at about 2000 feet and after flying in that direction we broke out. We finally had to go back up to 13,000 feet,but it was clear sailing,so we kept on. Lt Josephson gave me a new heading to get back on course, but we know now it was too much of a correction. About halfway I picked up Goose beam, but the set went dead after a few minutes. It was too late to turn back then,so we tried to get it on the compass, but couldnt. We finally hit the coast. We decided we were south of Goose Bay,so we turned north untill we finally realized we were north. We were almost out of gas,so I started looking for a place to land.I wanted to get back to where there were trees,but the engine started missing, so we came back down.The crew never batted an eye when they were told that we were going to make a crash landing.Even if I do say so myself, it was a good landing and Lt Josephson did a good job of cutting the switch. We hit a rock that tore the bombay open and one prop tip went through the fuselage behind me. Outside of that, the ship was intact. It swung around almost 90 degrees without stopping, but made a good wind break that way.It was almost dark so after eating a cold ration we went to bed inside the ship.We had 17 blankets, a comforter and a bedroll, we slept very well. Lt Josephson took a star shot and decided we were 300 minutes from Goose.

December 11 1942
Lt Josephson walked to the fjord to the west and Golm the one to the east.We spent most of the day clearing up the ship and pooling rations in the afternoon. I climbed the mountain in front of us(where Saglek Air Station is now located), but didnt learn much.Nolan worked on the putput all day without results. We cranked the dingy radio. It was pretty windy so we spent the night in the ship.

December 12 1942

Made three big improvments in our situation.Lt Jansen and Golm discovered a lake close to uor ship and saw a fox.Waywrench and I saw 50 seals,We know that there is food here. We made a lean to out of tarp under the wing and slept there.It was much better.

December 13 1942

When the star shots were figured out it showed us to be close to the town of Hebron.Worked on the putput all day with no success,so we tried to work the liaison set on the batteries but they were too weak. We pooled our covers and slept together.

December 14 1942

Wind blew all day with increasing velocity and snow. Our lake went dry so we were back to melting snow.We went to bed early.

December 15 1942

Had to eat a cold breakfast because the wind too much snow in our fire. Nolan changed the voltage regulators and got 25 volts,long enough for me to get a couple of stations on the liaison reciever.The putput stoped, but we hope we know what is wrong with it, S o we hope to get a message out soon.

December 15 1942

The putput went out, but we did try the batteries.They too, were dead.

December 19 1942

More snow last night.Nolan and Mangins tried to work on the putput but it was too cold. We built a fire in the lean to and thawed out.

December 20 1942

It was so windy we stayed in bed all day.

December 21 1942

Everthing was really snowed in so we spent the day eating and thawing out blankets and planning a trip south.Lt Josephson,Lt Janson,and Sgt Nolan plan to head south in the boat the first clear day.We ate a pretty big mael with the three boat men eating a little extra.
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December 23 1942

Got up at 0715,got the boat ready and started carrying it.The wind was pretty strong and the boat was heavy,so we had a pretty hard time of it. We didnt get to the water until noon,and then it took quite a while to find a place to put it in the water.We intended to put them off shore, but they appeared to be making slow headway to the south.That was the last time we saw them.We had a hard time coming back across the snow.We had some peanuts and caramels and went to bed.

December 24 1942

Christmas Eve and weve been here two weeks today.It was lonsome with just the four of us,but we got up pretty early and dug out the gas strainer so we could make a fire.It was so windy we couldnt work outside so we dried out blankets.Golm got pretty blistered and swollen hands which have to be doctored.We stretched out our eating to cover most of the day.We had a sardine sized can of herring with crackers,a spoonfull of peanuts a piece,a black cough drop,and a caramel,a cup of grape drink,and plenty of coffee,using the same grounds over and over.Its really a surprise how much one can get from a small thing like a caramel,but we looked forward to it with anticipation each day.

December 25 1942

What a Christmas.Mangins feet pained him so much we had to get up at 0330.He was in agony before that,but was better after,although his arches pain him pretty bad. Got up again at 0900.Golm went exploring,I massaged Mangins feet and Waywrench started fixing up the floor,which was in pretty bad condition from the fire.Latter we had to dig out the rear entrance to the ship to fix the window up.After that,we had a first aid lesson.The only one who doesnt have anything wrong is me. We are about to eat our Christmas dinner and go to bed.

December 27 1942

Started today as usual by traeting the casualties.Mangins feet are better,but we found a big blister on each foot.Golm and Mangins spent the day drying blankets.Waywrench finished cleaning out the back of the ship,and I climbed the mountain to see if I could see anything out to sea.I also took a roll of film.The enforced diet is beginning to tell on us,but well eat a little more tomorrow.
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December 28 1942

This has been a terrible day.The wind started up early in the morning and kept us inside all day.We had two fires which took the rest of the day to repair.Mangins feet are quite a bit better and he will start working on the putput soon.We may get the liaison set going yet.In the meantime,we can feel the effects of the short rations more every day.We pray almost every minute that the boys in the boat will get through soon and get some help.
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December 29 1942

Today has been just average.The wind started up early again,but not too hard.Mangins feet are almost back to normal.
(Note. The following is in different handwriting)
Yet,if the taste of kisses went and strawberries came the year round, half of the joy would be gone from the world.There is no wonder we kiss,for when the mouth comes to mouth in all its stillness,breath joins breath,and taste joins taste.Warmth is enmarmed,and tongues can move in a soundless language,and those things are said that cannot be said,have a name or know a life in the pitiful faults of speach.There is nothing to be done with the ear,so back we come to the organs of taste and smell.It is the temple of the voice,keeper of the breath,treasures of taste and home of the noble tongue.And its portals are firm,yet soft with the warmth of a ripeness unlike the rest of the face,rosey in woman with a conkling red tenderness of the taste,not to compare with the wild strawberry feeling and too far from the organs of taste and smell,and far from the brain, and an arms length from the heart.To rub a nose like the blacks and it is better than nothing at all,but there is nothing to the taste about the nose,only an old piece of bone pushing out of the face,and a nuisance in time of winter,but a friend before meals and in the garden indeed.With the eye we can do nothing,for if we come too close they become crossed and everything comes twice and sight without good for one or all five,no angles with a fluring world yet this it was left the grapes to weed.I had eaten of the tree Eve was still warm under me,there is strange and yet not strange in the kiss.It is strange because it mixes stillness with tragedy and yet not strange because there is good reason for it.The hand is too hard and too used to doing all things with too little,and deeper and closer.

December 30 1942

Today was overcast with snow showers.Spent most of the day working on the inside.Golm lost a fingernail,and may lose another.Im just thankful that his hand doesnt pain him.Worked a little on the putput and made some progress,but it was too dark to work much.Got up a game of Rummy500 which everyone seemed to enjoy.The boys have been gone a week today.God grant they are still going.

January 1 1942

Happy New Year.It snowed and blew all night and kept it up all day.So since we had no fire we stayed in bed all day.

January 2 1942

More wind and snow today.It slacked up a little around noon,so we got up with the aid of a fire in a peanut can.Waywrench got the prop and receiver tank out with a gallon of alcohol and glycerine,and I dug out the oil drain.After that,we had a couple of hot fires and plenty of hot coffee and had a lemon powder and cup of bouillon.We didnt finish with the eating and drinking untill almost noon.Our main dish was the last can of datenut roll with jelly,and it was good.Then I worked on Mangins feet and we went to bed.There was quite a bit of loose snow outside but the very shape of the ship keeps it fairly clean.It actually rained today and I dont know what affect that its going to have on our situation.The boys have been gone ten days today, which is the time we figured it would take them to make the trip.We hope they made it and can bring help soon.
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January 3 1942

There wasnt much wind last night so we thought we would have a good day,but the wind picked up and it snowed all day.The ship has a sheet of ice on it and is covered with snow.Besides that, the drifts are higher and closer than they have ever been before.We hooked up the hand fuel transfer pump and Im positive we pumped some gas over to this side,but we couldnt get it to drain out,so we had to use the alcohol to cook with.I got into a big hurry once and caused a fire in which I got burned but not badly.Now we are all wearing bandages.I found two buillon cubes in the radio operators desk.Spent a lot of time putting snow inder our bed. There was quite a hole there,so we should be able to sleep better tonight.It must be raining outside now.It couldnt be melting ice on the wing.We keep praying for clear weather and hope that the boys got through.Also to try out a new theory to where Hebron is.

January 4 1942

Had a blue sky when we got up,but it stayed overcast all day.There wasnt much wind, however,so we got up and went to work.Waywrench and I got quite a bit of gas out of the other wing,so we are pretty well fixed on that.Mangins has the putput almost ready to try again.We are just praying for good weather both in hops of a rescue plane,if the boys got through.Im cutting down still on the rations.

January 5 1942

It started off like a beautiful day,but turned to a light low overcast.Waywrench and I cleaned the plane of snow and Mangins finished the putput,which seems to be in pretty good shape.It started clearing late this afternoon.

January 6 1942

This is the eighth day of bad weather.The entrance is blocked,and it doesnt do any good to dig it out.It has been two weeks since the boys left and spirits are still high in spite of the bad weather.