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A&P's in GA


Sep 1, 2005
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Contract and the South
For some idiotic reason I have always sorta looked down on General Aviation. I do not know why but that is just the way it was as I have learned that other mechanics that work on the larger aircraft do the same. That bit of ignorance on my part has recently been corrected these past few months as I have been working on GA aircraft. As was working line at NWA this has been a bit of a cultural shock. Where I have alwys had a huge support system and basically unlimited resources provided to me working at the larger companies, in GA that support simply does not exist. If i needed flight controls or any system component removed I simply wrote it on the job card and kicked it over to systems to take care of it. In GA you do all that yourself. If there was a structure repair to be done I would get a nice little drawing from the engineer complete with material and fastner callouts. In GA, "whats an engineer?". If I needed something painted I called a painter, not here. Then of course there is the owner of the aircraft with either a tight wallet or limited funds that like to repair items that should be replaced, well the GA A&P makes that happen.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I have learned that the GA A&P Mechanics are the true mechanics of the aviation industry. They are not simply parts exchangers like you find in commercial aviation. These guys make it happen with very little resources that I have become spoiled to. These guys work on so many different types of aircraft it is unreal. Also they have to do the job right the first time around with no glitches. The redundancy simply is not there like you would find on a commercial aircraft.

No sir, you will not find a team of engineers supporting a team of structure, systems and avionics guys. You have one man doing the work of them all.

I have a feeling when the A&P's disappear from the majors in favor of the lesser AMT's, A&P's will continue to faithlfully support and maintain the GA industry.
For some idiotic reason I have always sorta looked down on General Aviation. I do not know why but that is just the way it was as I have learned that other mechanics that work on the larger aircraft do the same. That bit of ignorance on my part has recently been corrected these past few months as I have been working on GA aircraft. As was working line at NWA this has been a bit of a cultural shock. Where I have alwys had a huge support system and basically unlimited resources provided to me working at the larger companies, in GA that support simply does not exist. If i needed flight controls or any system component removed I simply wrote it on the job card and kicked it over to systems to take care of it. In GA you do all that yourself. If there was a structure repair to be done I would get a nice little drawing from the engineer complete with material and fastner callouts. In GA, "whats an engineer?". If I needed something painted I called a painter, not here. Then of course there is the owner of the aircraft with either a tight wallet or limited funds that like to repair items that should be replaced, well the GA A&P makes that happen.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I have learned that the GA A&P Mechanics are the true mechanics of the aviation industry. They are not simply parts exchangers like you find in commercial aviation. These guys make it happen with very little resources that I have become spoiled to. These guys work on so many different types of aircraft it is unreal. Also they have to do the job right the first time around with no glitches. The redundancy simply is not there like you would find on a commercial aircraft.

No sir, you will not find a team of engineers supporting a team of structure, systems and avionics guys. You have one man doing the work of them all.

I have a feeling when the A&P's disappear from the majors in favor of the lesser AMT's, A&P's will continue to faithlfully support and maintain the GA industry.

You have no clue of what you speak scab. There were many true mechanics at small line stations who did anything and everything in line maintenance: including GSE, sheetmetal (using the srm, no engineers), avionics, A&P grunt work, maintaining test equipment, calibration, hazmat shipping...and most, not some, would also do GA work on the side when they were not exercising their private pilot flying privileges.

You have no idea as to what the airlines are like outside of your scab shell.

Let us see, your first airline job was as a scab at NWA in 2005 in DTW (hub). You are well qualified to judge the entire population of Airline Aircraft Mechanics...since you could not get hired by one without scabbing someone else’s job.

Keep up the good work.

Got any penny stocks you are peddling lately.

How is your spam Viagra business going?
You have no clue of what you speak scab. There were many true mechanics at small line stations who did anything and everything in line maintenance: including GSE, sheetmetal (using the srm, no engineers), avionics, A&P grunt work, maintaining test equipment, calibration, hazmat shipping...and most, not some, would also do GA work on the side when they were not exercising their private pilot flying privileges.

I can see that at your very small line stations where you're lucky if you get two flights a day. They might turn some wrenches on some GA aircraft but all they do is put a pen to the commercial flights for the most part. Speaking of private pilot privileges. I took my written last week and have flown several times while delivering aircraft. I am very fortunate to be working with an A&P who is also CFI. This GA gig does indded have its perks.

Let us see, your first airline job was as a scab at NWA in 2005 in DTW (hub). You are well qualified to judge the entire population of Airline Aircraft Mechanics...since you could not get hired by one without scabbing someone else’s job.

It does indeed qualify me to make that judgement. As an outside observer I get to look at the whole picture while you guys can't see the forest for the trees being in the way. Are you any different that Hackman, local 12, NHBB the insane Princess or robbed for that matter?

I think Not.

Keep up the good work.

That is my intentions.

Got any penny stocks you are peddling lately.

Drop five grand on USSE.PK at .05 if possible if not hit it at .06. You should be looking at 200% by November. I would say drop ten but the volume is a bit wishy-washy.

Also stay away from corn, I thhink the bottom is going to fall out, I could be wrong but that is my opinion. The shets all over the place. You might want to take a hard look at cotton or possibly soy-bean.

How is your spam Viagra business going?

It's still in the preliminary stages.