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A Memorial Day Thank You

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TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
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Thanks to those unfairly gone,
Who've paid our freedoms price,
Thank you to the families,
Who've endured such sacrifice,
Thanks to those suffer,
Those who’ve given sight or limb,
And thanks to those who show true courage,
Who battle yet within,
Thank you for your patience,
When we were short of sight,
I thank you each and every day,
That I am free to write.

To all those who have served, those that continue to serve and most importantly to the families who have sacrificed so much for the freedom my family and this great nation enjoy, thank you.

Although some apparently find your sacrifce no longer worthy of Holiday recognition for the free working man. I will find time to say a pray and visit the cemetary after I finish working an 8 hour shift for AA and the Company Union.
TWU informer said:
Thanks to those unfairly gone,
Who've paid our freedoms price,
Thank you to the families,
Who've endured such sacrifice,
Thanks to those suffer,
Those who’ve given sight or limb,
And thanks to those who show true courage,
Who battle yet within,
Thank you for your patience,
When we were short of sight,
I thank you each and every day,
That I am free to write.

To all those who have served, those that continue to serve and most importantly to the families who have sacrificed so much for the freedom my family and this great nation enjoy, thank you.

Although some apparently find your sacrifce no longer worthy of Holiday recognition for the free working man. I will find time to say a pray and visit the cemetary after I finish working an 8 hour shift for AA and the Company Union.

TWU informer said:
Thanks to those unfairly gone,
Who've paid our freedoms price,
Thank you to the families,
Who've endured such sacrifice,
Thanks to those suffer,
Those who’ve given sight or limb,
And thanks to those who show true courage,
Who battle yet within,
Thank you for your patience,
When we were short of sight,
I thank you each and every day,
That I am free to write.

To all those who have served, those that continue to serve and most importantly to the families who have sacrificed so much for the freedom my family and this great nation enjoy, thank you.

Although some apparently find your sacrifce no longer worthy of Holiday recognition for the free working man. I will find time to say a pray and visit the cemetary after I finish working an 8 hour shift for AA and the Company Union.

My wife and I drove through Floral Haven cemetery in Broken Arrow on Saturday and it is REMINDER of the price that has been paid for our freedoms in the USA.
We went Saturday because I have to work a TWU negoiated REGULAR WORK DAY on Monday.

I hope that everyone who is off today takes a moment to remember the families who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us citizens of the USA.

A veteran of the USAF who proudly served [1974-78]
Sounds like y'all are pissed because you have a job to go to.

At AA we have many family members and friends who are called to duty. Our hearts go out to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Checking it Out said:
Sounds like y'all are pissed because you have a job to go to.
At AA we have many family members and friends who are called to duty. Our hearts go out to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

And the lemming responds in regular TWU fashion.

Maybe he will bring his flag drapped coffin on the trailer to work and show us how much his heart goes out.

Don't give me that "you're lucky to have a job, brother" crap. :shock:
Checking it Out said:
Sounds like y'all are pissed because you have a job to go to.
At AA we have many family members and friends who are called to duty. Our hearts go out to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
<_< Tell you what! I'll trade you! "Labor Day" for "Memorial Day"!!!!! :down:
Checking it Out said:
Sounds like y'all are pissed because you have a job to go to.
At AA we have many family members and friends who are called to duty. Our hearts go out to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Wrong again Flash.......if anyone is pissed its because we haven't seen the results from the twu slogan "Show Me the Shared Sacrifice" yet.

Duz y'all know'd when thar a fixin' ta show us??? We have bin dadgum waitin' fer a long spell, and I know'd it wuz to good ta be true!!!! :blink: :blink: :blink:

Were you ever in the military Flash? That's a funny thought.....
Name: Happy Memorial Day
Date: Monday May 30, 2005
Time: 11:00:41 AM

Today I am going to work and will look out across from Building C at the National Cemetery for the last time on a Memorial Day. For the last 15 years I've worked across the street from Ft Snelling Cemetery. But thanks to some short sighted AMFA believers that experience is ending with this Memorial Day. I am a Union Man, and I would of done what ever was necessary to fight for good paying American Jobs but my AMFA leadership doesn't seem to have a plan. I've been waiting for my Union leadership to tell us what to do but that guidance never comes. I just have to do what all the other AMFA members do, wait and wonder when I will lose my job. So this afternoon I'll be doing just that at work. Waiting for my pink slip and wondering why this happened.
James T. Kirk said:
Name: Happy Memorial Day
Date: Monday May 30, 2005
Time: 11:00:41 AM
Today I am going to work and will look out across from Building C at the National Cemetery for the last time on a Memorial Day. For the last 15 years I've worked across the street from Ft Snelling Cemetery. But thanks to some short sighted AMFA believers that experience is ending with this Memorial Day. I am a Union Man, and I would of done what ever was necessary to fight for good paying American Jobs but my AMFA leadership doesn't seem to have a plan. I've been waiting for my Union leadership to tell us what to do but that guidance never comes. I just have to do what all the other AMFA members do, wait and wonder when I will lose my job. So this afternoon I'll be doing just that at work. Waiting for my pink slip and wondering why this happened.
Well, Captain Crapper is back to posting his tripe from the 'Nuts BB again. I wonder since this author you chose to copy and paste is a "union man", did he raise a stink when the iam sent the DC-10's and 747's to SASCO in 1994? Probably not. Now he's complaining because AMFA is resisting concessions at NWA. I think he needs to look what the iam did at UAL when they took the bases out permanently with the 'restructuring agreement" on May 1, 2003. He needs to look at US Air and see what 3 rounds of iam concessions did for them. He needs to blame himself for following another industrial union into the toilet many years ago. Now its all AMFA's fault. Its the same old lies........
Checking it Out said:
Sounds like y'all are pissed because you have a job to go to.
At AA we have many family members and friends who are called to duty. Our hearts go out to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

No, we do not all have a job to go to...thx to the furlough I will be entitled to all my holidays once again. Shall I thank the company or the union for that? Or is it improper now to split the two?
Happy Memorial Day, I was going to have a barbecue with family and friends, but then I remembered I'm represented by the EVIL TWU. The union that spits on our veteran's graves by giving away this very important holiday without a fight! Of all the holiday's to give away, giving away the Memorial Day holiday is an abomination! The TWU should be ashamed! I would rather have lost the Labor Day holiday,as Labor is dead in this country,because of company unions like the TWU! :down:
Name: Hey!!!!!
Employer: NWA
Date: Monday May 30, 2005
Time: 12:23:45 PM

Hey Delle......what's the plan o wise one......?? You had all the answers during the representation election so speak now and tell us how you're gunna save all of us.......maybe you can part the Mississippi River and deliver us from greed.......oh, and while you're at it, how 'bout getting us the $60.00 an hour you said we were all worth........
James T. Kirk said:
Name: Hey!!!!!
Employer: NWA
Date: Monday May 30, 2005
Time: 12:23:45 PM
Hey Delle......what's the plan o wise one......?? You had all the answers during the representation election so speak now and tell us how you're gunna save all of us.......maybe you can part the Mississippi River and deliver us from greed.......oh, and while you're at it, how 'bout getting us the $60.00 an hour you said we were all worth........
Name: Hey Captain Concessions!!!
Email: ConcessionsRUs.com
Station: Mars
Date: Stardate in Jim's mind
Captains Log; I am sure that my hero, Jim Do-little, told me that he; "has demanded that management fulfill its commitment to shared sacrifice", but....I....just.....can't.....wait.....any.....longer. Spock is getting restless. He is giving me strange looks, like I'm full of sh*t. Is he plotting to a take over of the ship? I can't be sure. My mind is wandering, I can't think or write for myself.....I must, I must... try......to pull my head out. Did concessions save jobs? Hmmm....I know they did not at MCIE, where hundreds more are gone on June 10. Can this be a lie? No...it just can't be. My god, we have 3000 on the street and more going. But....this is only at NWA and UAL? Do they need some twu concessions? Spock must know the answer....but how? He believes the twu lies, but wait.....he's smarter than me.
Since this has gone from a nice thought (Celebrating Memorial Day) to the usual, its time to end it.
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