A Letter to the Chairman and Officers of US Airways


Jan 18, 2006
October 6, 2007

Mr. Douglas Parker
Chairman and C.E.O.
US Airways, Inc.
111 W. Rio Salado Parkway
Tempe, Arizona 85281

Dear Mr. Parker:

I am writing this letter as a concerned customer of US Airways, Inc. In sum, I have been thinking about writing this letter for the better part of six months. Recent in-flight experiences and corporate “news†announcements have prompted me to take the time to put my thoughts on paper.

First, just a little background on myself. I have been flying US Airways regularly for business and school since 1995. Before that, I have very fond memories of traveling back and forth on USAir’s DC-9 aircraft between Pittsburgh and Birmingham, Alabama to visit my family (this was a monthly journey from the ages of 8-18). Over the past 10 years of flying, I have used US Airways almost exclusively for my air travel needs. Indeed, this year I will attain my Chairman’s Preferred status for next year in October. I believe this level of travel demonstrates my commitment to you as my air carrier of choice. I have been one of the countless travelers that have stood with US Airways through two bankruptcies, several safety concerns in the 1990’s, and the continued reduction of service in Central and Western Pennsylvania. However, for the first time in my traveling history I am seriously considering giving my business to another airline.

Living in both the Boston and Pittsburgh regions, I am somewhat programmed to book my travel on US Airways due to the market dominance that you have in these markets. While the flight service level in Boston has remained relatively constant as opposed to the cutbacks at Pittsburgh International, I have endured a rather nasty year of traveling on US Airways. I can no longer count the times my bag has gone missing upon my arrival (mostly when I travel through Philadelphia), the continued check-in delays due to the lack of properly trained ticketing and gate agents, and the continued diminishment of in-flight services. Simply put, the issues that have plagued my travel in 2007 have pushed me to the brink of moving all of my business to another airline. This is the first time I have ever considered doing this.

While US Airways has indeed a strong hold on the Northeast markets (and has for decades), there are more options now than ever for business travelers such as myself. For instance when given the option of traveling between Boston and State College, PA, I can choose US Airways or Delta Air Lines. Due to the fact that I must now exclusively change planes in Philadelphia when traveling on US Airways (a passengers worst nightmare), I have truly given serious considerations to switching to Delta Air Lines as my carrier of choice. Sure, I will have to change planes in Cincinnati to fly from Boston to Pittsburgh, or virtually any other destination, but its becoming a reasonable option to consider due to my concerns mentioned earlier in this letter. Simply put, Delta currently delivers more reliable on-time performance and a better coach and first class in-flight product. While switching airlines would certainly add time to my travel on paper, I would venture to guess it is not as much as one would think, due to multitude of US Airways delays and sub-standard product offerings.

I do not want to limit this as just a complaint letter. I have over he years been touched by the professionalism of both East and West US Airways front line employees. For instance, the airport and in-flight staff based in Pittsburgh and Boston, who have probably suffered more than most over the past years, have been some of the best “faces of US Airways†you could have ever chosen to represent your airline. Yet, I truly believe that your company no longer values the business traveler who day in and day out is the life-blood of US Airway’s revenue stream. I have spent well over $80,000.00 on US Airways tickets in the past twelve months and have consistently been treated as though I am a twice-a-year flyer.

I understand that your company has gone through a very large merger and that there are some growing pains to be expected. Yet, my own organization (a Fortune 500 financial services company) has acquired several other organizations over the past five years. We have never, repeat never, taken our eyes off the number one concern of any business entity—the customer. Indeed, we have continued to undertake marginally unprofitable tasks for the greater good of the entire organization. Therefore, I tend to reject (for example) your closing the Pittsburgh hub on only financial grounds. Virtually any US Airways traveler will tell you that they would much rather change planes in Pittsburgh versus Charlotte, Philadelphia, or Phoenix. A Pittsburgh-San Diego flight may not make as much for the bottom line as a similar flight from Philadelphia, but think of the value-added that the flight provides to your most loyal passengers. A simple “one period in time†spreadsheet analysis can’t show the value of providing your most frequent travelers with stress-free and convenient connections.

I truly ask that you take this letter to heart. I want to continue flying US Airways and remain a loyal customer. I can only ask that you please respond to my letter via U.S. mail or e-mail in a timely manner. I would also be more than willing to travel to Tempe to express my concerns in person.

Very kind regards,

US Airways FF# ********
******, Massachusetts
******, Pennsylvania

Sherri Shamblin
Scott Kirby
Travis Christ
jetpiedmont79, I as employee with over 20 plus years of service with USAirways would like to thank you for putting up
with this inept management, they are totally clueless on how to run an airline, not to mention they have no idea of what
customer service is........I do agree with the people that they hire today are clueless in customer service and that
I blame on the training and the supervisor's and managers they work for because if they don't know how to provide
customer service thn how can they coach these new agents...........

you see this is how this company thinks, they change computer system thinking they can save money, but how many
times have you flown thru phx and saw they had 3 agents per gate, why it takes 3 agents to work a flight with this
inept computer system, with sabre you could work a flight with one agent, that is why they ahd to hire so many
people. All that money wasted to hire, train new employee's and aslo all that money lost during the cut over and still
losing. what I have noticed is they make decisions without thinking it thru, they make decisions at the spur of the
moment, not knowing what the end result would be..And guess who suffers the customers and the front line employees.
example changing the seat config and redoing the interiors of the aircrafts, waste of money and time. Why not ask
the ones that work it every day, the f/a's don't like them and the customers are less comfortable, what a way to
run a business, and the idiot board of directors are in another world.

So jetpiedmont79 I do not blame you for going to another airline. Do you think Parker will care about your letter
and do something about. Idon't think so...look at his track record.................We can only hope that the rumors
of united are true...............
as a former piedmont employee .. I am too very ashamed at the NEW USairways.. I thought we had it bad in the early 90's but

nothing compares to the ignorance of this new management platform of .. at all cost make money and the H.ll with any kind of service. Doug

doesn't want loyal passengers anymore .. all he wants is the onetime ticket .. its obvious in the way he runs this airline.. He ran AWA with poor customer service

and now has brought that over to a legacy carrier .. prior to merger for last 10 yrs. AWA was always at the bottom of O.T / baggage / and high on customer

complaints.. NOW he brings to a bigger scale..
The company will most likely tell you to hang in there , because we ARE hard at work at improving our service , (after letting it go into a freefall which is just maddening ) .

I now agree with management and our PR department when they say we ARE working on our service .First class service seems to be improving in leaps and bounds , this I have witnessed with my own eyes . I’m also seeing more kiosks for automated check in than ever .For our first class flyers it is my hope that the level of service we provide will return to our all time highs from the AWA days when we served the most delicious meals when flying cross country , warm towels prior to landing etc .
Save your stamp. Parker only cares about him and his gang of idiot upper management....as long as they make money thats all that matters. Remember USAirways motto...We are'nt happy till you the customer are'nt happy :down: :down: :down:
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Thanks so much to all! Keep the comments coming....only good can come of us talking about what we want to see fixed!
Excellent letter, but don't expect a reply.This management team doesn't answer letters or phone calls.The most obnoxious one of them all is Donna Paladini , she was in PIT when the cuts were announced and I have never seen an upper level management manager as unprepared and rude as her.
Thank you for writing the letter. IMO you won't get any response as they do NOT care about customers or employees.
If you are not a FFOCUS member I would like to invite you to vist & join.
I’m also seeing more kiosks for automated check in than ever .
Yep! That is what US needs more kiosks for better customer service
They work real well during irregular operations and special situations