Just a quick note on some features that you may not have noticed yet.
Private Messages
Now, when someone send you a Private Message and you are online, you will get an instant message via a pop-up window.
Post Indicators
The small envelopes that are displayed to the left of Topics will display a small black dot in the middle of them if you have been active (posted) within that topic.
This board features it's very own calendar feature, which can be accessed via the calendar link at the top of the board. You are able to add your own personal events to the calendar - and these are only viewable by yourself. To add a new event, use the 'Add New Event' button to be taken to the event posting screen.
Depending on your Rank, you may also be able to add a public event, that will not just be shown to yourself, but will be viewable by everyone.
Email Notifications
This board can notify you when a new reply is added to a topic. Many users find this useful to keep up to date on topics without the need to view the board to check for new messages.
There are three ways to subscribe to a topic:
Click the 'Track This Topic' link at the top of the topic that you wish to track
On the posting screen when replying to or creating a topic, check the 'Enable email notification of replies?' checkbox
From the E-Mail settings section of your User CP (My Controls) check the 'Enable Email Notification by default?' option, this will automatically subscribe you to any topic that you make a reply to
Please note that to avoid multiple emails being sent to your email address, you will only get one e-mail for each topic you are subscribed to until the next time you visit the board.
You are also able to subscribe to each individual forum on the board, to be notified when a new topic is created in that particular forum. To enable this, click the 'Subscribe to this forum' link at the bottom of the forum that you wish to subscribe to.
My Assistant
This feature is sometimes referred to as a 'Browser Buddy'. At the top it tells you how many posts have been made since you last visited the board.. Also underneath this the number of posts with replies that have been made in topics that the individual has also posted in. Click on the 'View' link on either of the two sentences to see the posts.
Fast Reply
Where it has been enabled, there will be a fast reply button on each topic. Clicking this will open up a posting box on the topic view screen, cutting down on the time required to load the main posting screen. Click the fast reply button to expand the reply box and type the post inside of there. Although the fast reply box is not expanded by default, you can choose the option to have it expanded by default, from the board settings section of your control panel. Pressing the 'More Options' button will take you to the normal posting screen.
Searching Topics & Posts
The search feature is designed to allow you to quickly find topics and posts that contain the keywords you enter. There are two types of search form available, simple search and advanced search. You may switch between the two using the 'More Options' and 'Simple Mode' buttons.
Topic Options
At the bottom of each topic, there is a 'Topic Options' button (Left Side Bottom). Pressing this button will expand the topic options box. From this box, you can select from the following options:
Track this topic - this option will allow you to receive e-mail updates for the topic, see the 'Email Notification of new messages' help file for more information on this
Subscribe to this forum - will allow you to receive e-mail updates for any new topics posted in the forum, see the Notification of new messages' help file for more information on this
Download / Print this Topic - will show the topic in a number of different formats. 'Printer Friendly Version' will display a version of the topic that is suitable for printing out. 'Download HTML Version' will download a copy of the topic to your hard drive, and this can then be viewed in a web browser, without having to visit the board. 'Download Microsoft Word Version' will allow you to download the file to your hard drive and open it up in the popular word processing application, Microsoft Word, for viewing offline.
My Controls
Lots of features to play with here. Login and try it out - you can even select your own time zone and whether or not you are in Daylight Savings time. By default, the forums are set to Zulu time.

Private Messages
Now, when someone send you a Private Message and you are online, you will get an instant message via a pop-up window.
Post Indicators
The small envelopes that are displayed to the left of Topics will display a small black dot in the middle of them if you have been active (posted) within that topic.
This board features it's very own calendar feature, which can be accessed via the calendar link at the top of the board. You are able to add your own personal events to the calendar - and these are only viewable by yourself. To add a new event, use the 'Add New Event' button to be taken to the event posting screen.
Depending on your Rank, you may also be able to add a public event, that will not just be shown to yourself, but will be viewable by everyone.
Email Notifications
This board can notify you when a new reply is added to a topic. Many users find this useful to keep up to date on topics without the need to view the board to check for new messages.
There are three ways to subscribe to a topic:
Click the 'Track This Topic' link at the top of the topic that you wish to track
On the posting screen when replying to or creating a topic, check the 'Enable email notification of replies?' checkbox
From the E-Mail settings section of your User CP (My Controls) check the 'Enable Email Notification by default?' option, this will automatically subscribe you to any topic that you make a reply to
Please note that to avoid multiple emails being sent to your email address, you will only get one e-mail for each topic you are subscribed to until the next time you visit the board.
You are also able to subscribe to each individual forum on the board, to be notified when a new topic is created in that particular forum. To enable this, click the 'Subscribe to this forum' link at the bottom of the forum that you wish to subscribe to.
My Assistant
This feature is sometimes referred to as a 'Browser Buddy'. At the top it tells you how many posts have been made since you last visited the board.. Also underneath this the number of posts with replies that have been made in topics that the individual has also posted in. Click on the 'View' link on either of the two sentences to see the posts.
Fast Reply
Where it has been enabled, there will be a fast reply button on each topic. Clicking this will open up a posting box on the topic view screen, cutting down on the time required to load the main posting screen. Click the fast reply button to expand the reply box and type the post inside of there. Although the fast reply box is not expanded by default, you can choose the option to have it expanded by default, from the board settings section of your control panel. Pressing the 'More Options' button will take you to the normal posting screen.
Searching Topics & Posts
The search feature is designed to allow you to quickly find topics and posts that contain the keywords you enter. There are two types of search form available, simple search and advanced search. You may switch between the two using the 'More Options' and 'Simple Mode' buttons.
Topic Options
At the bottom of each topic, there is a 'Topic Options' button (Left Side Bottom). Pressing this button will expand the topic options box. From this box, you can select from the following options:
Track this topic - this option will allow you to receive e-mail updates for the topic, see the 'Email Notification of new messages' help file for more information on this
Subscribe to this forum - will allow you to receive e-mail updates for any new topics posted in the forum, see the Notification of new messages' help file for more information on this
Download / Print this Topic - will show the topic in a number of different formats. 'Printer Friendly Version' will display a version of the topic that is suitable for printing out. 'Download HTML Version' will download a copy of the topic to your hard drive, and this can then be viewed in a web browser, without having to visit the board. 'Download Microsoft Word Version' will allow you to download the file to your hard drive and open it up in the popular word processing application, Microsoft Word, for viewing offline.
My Controls
Lots of features to play with here. Login and try it out - you can even select your own time zone and whether or not you are in Daylight Savings time. By default, the forums are set to Zulu time.