
Potomac Air Lodge 1976
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Presidents Page

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Leading up to the war in Iraq there have been many opinions as to what was the correct course of action. Many people around the world, and in our own country felt more diplomacy should have been tried, others felt the time for talk has run out. Whatever your thoughts and opinions were, it is now time to stand by the decision our President has made and support our men and women in the armed services. It is easy to second-guess our leadership, but they are charged with protecting the interest of country based on the intelligence information they have available.

This has generated allot of anxiety within our ranks as to what might happen to US Airways and our jobs. All employees might be affected by the 5% pay deferrals including management, but beyond that there is no way to predict what backlash the war might cause. Will there be new terrorist attacks in the United States? Will airports be closed? Will the price of oil increase? These are only a few of the unknowns. Regardless of these uncertainty''s there is one thing you can be sure of, our members will continue to do their jobs in a conscientious and professional manner. This company is on track to come out of bankruptcy and be a major carrier in the future because of the sacrifices and dedication of it''s employees.

Tough and unpopular decisions have been made by our members for the survival of this carrier and the futures of our families, but this pales in comparison to the decisions our elected leaders have made and the sacrifices our military troops might make. It is now time for us to pull together as dedicated I.A.M. members and proud Americans.

Frank Schifano
President / Local Chairman
Lodge 1976

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