A-380 Vmu demo - it brings a whole new meaning to Tail Dragger!
Certification: it's called the Vmu demonstration.
Most non-pilots have never seen this test. During the takeoff roll the
pilot rotates the aircraft nose up well below normal V1 rotation speed. The
aircraft is not ready to fly so at the high angle of attack the tail hits
the runway and drags along until the aircraft obtains sufficient speed to
fly itself off the ground. The tail strike is a required certification test
where the pilot hits the tail of the aircraft on the runway on purpose and
then flies it off the runway showing that it can fly off after the runway
scrape. Most aircraft have an oak skid placed on the tai l where it is going
to hit to minimize any damage to the tail.
Two things to notice: Just how big this aircraft is!!!! And, as the aircraft
rotates and you can see the elevators, the engine thrust is bouncing off the
runway causing the elevators to flap up and down. The elevators on this
plane are probably bigger than most planes wing.