1549, one year later...passenger perspectives

Aug 20, 2002

It has been a year to the day since passengers on the Miracle on the Hudson, US Airways Flight 1549, took just such a walk — not to mention a swim and a ride on a ferry — after their plane hit a flock of geese and lost power in both engines. They had had 90 or so long, long seconds of descent — ample time for grim reflection and if-I-live promises. But many passengers have said they thought only of preserving, and not improving, their lives as the plane glided toward the icy water.

“I can confirm the prayer part,†said one passenger, Theresa Leahy. “But changing my life? No. I’m a very forward-looking person. I do believe things happen for a reason. I’m not looking for some great path to be revealed to me through all of this.â€

No, the vows toward self-improvement, of deals to do better in their lives, came later — hours, days or weeks later. Several passengers, looking back over the last 12 months, said their promises seem to be holding up — but not all of them, and not always as much as they had hoped.
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Now this really cool...

Charlotte, North Carolina (CNN) -- Laura Zych never liked birds. Ben Bostic feared drowning. They faced their fears when US Airways Flight 1549 hit a flock of geese and crash-landed in the Hudson River.
They were strangers on January 15, 2009, when they boarded the fateful flight that would become known as the "Miracle on the Hudson." A year later, they're in love
Their ended up being 4 events yesterday in NYC celebrating the first Anniversary of 1549. The first was a Breakfast held in a Manhattan high rise including the crew, more than half of the passengers, Mayor Bloomberg and Gov Patterson, and Doug Parker among others.

The second was a small (but very nice and appreciated) luncheon for LGA employees at the airport hosted by 3 very appreciative passengers.

The bigest event hosted by New York Waterways reunited many passengers, the crew, and rescue workers who boarded one of the same ferry boats that rescued them who took them to the approx spot in the Hudson they where rescued from. From the TV coverage it looked amazingly festive and at exactly 3:31PM they drank a toast, not with Champagne but with screwdrivers with Grey Goose Vodka, who actually provided free vodka for the event.

The Celebration continued for many of the above with Dinner at a Manhattan resturant.

Despite the tragic events in Hati being such a HUGE news story, especially on local NYC stations with a large Hatian commnunity living here the local press gave this a lot of extremely positive coverage, a few examples are posted below, try and watch the videos, they are pretty cool !




It amazes me the attention that is paid to a group that was along for a ride they had no control of. Sure Sully did a good job of putting the plane in the water. He had no other choice.

What really is interesting it that not one word is mentioned about the guy on the Northwest Flight 253 that took out the would be bomber. That guy was a real hero, yet there is not one mention of him. I guess you have to crash and survive to really get the parade.
It amazes me the attention that is paid to a group that was along for a ride they had no control of. Sure Sully did a good job of putting the plane in the water. He had no other choice.

What really is interesting it that not one word is mentioned about the guy on the Northwest Flight 253 that took out the would be bomber. That guy was a real hero, yet there is not one mention of him. I guess you have to crash and survive to really get the parade.

The NW253 hero is not a US Citizen, He's from the Netherlands and as a result not nearly a good enough news story for the US Media machine. It's also quite likely he's not interested with the medai hype and disruption of his life