
  1. Glenn Quagmire

    AAR to Open New Aircraft Maintenance Facility in Lake Charles, Louisiana

    "AAR (AIR) has signed an agreement with the Chennault International Airport Authority to open its 6th North American aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility in Lake Charles, Louisiana, at the Chennault International Airport. AAR, the largest independent MRO provider in North...
  2. Lloyd Grey

    Today I met with a congressman's campaign manager re. foreign repair stations.

    The man I met today with works for the Congressman and will arrange a meeting re. foreign repair stations during the campaign. I subsequently sent him an email stating that a regulation change could be ordered by the President which would set a timeline for ALL U.S. Passenger Air Carrier...
  3. Glenn Quagmire

    Delta Air Lines to Build Heavy Maintenance Facility in Queretaro, Mexico Bolded text added by me
  4. Lloyd Grey

    Our Real Enemies now pressuring Washington for more foreign MRO. ARSA urges DHS to finalise repair station rules The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA), along with 11 other aviation organisations, has sent a letter to Janet Napolitano...
  5. Lloyd Grey

    Save American MRO Jobs

    For too long, airlines in the USA have been sending their planes to foreign repair stations. If the President would be aware, he could direct a regulation change within 14CFR and force domestic air carriers to overhaul their aircraft inside the United States. For this purpose there is now a...
  6. Lloyd Grey


    It is time to be proactive and call the White House. Demand a 14CFR - FAR rule change so that all domestic air carriers will send their planes to domestic overhaul centers rather than Asia or Latin America. The following points to a Facebook page dedicated to bringing American aviation jobs...