Still Think Ron Paul is a Kook?


Nov 30, 2009
Watch this and see just how right Ron Paul has been.

Moving away from the Dollar as the worlds reserve currency is the beginning of the end of our world domination and empire.
Watch this and see just how right Ron Paul has been.

Moving away from the Dollar as the worlds reserve currency is the beginning of the end of our world domination and empire.

And frigging gas prices like you won't believe.
Its part of the Obama/Progressive mission to degrade the US into some type lower class nation where our president bows to others, devalues our dollar, expands our debt and for all this, Its Bush's fault.
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And frigging gas prices like you won't believe.
Its part of the Obama/Progressive mission to degrade the US into some type lower class nation where our president bows to others, devalues our dollar, expands our debt and for all this, Its Bush's fault.

Funny you should mention the price of Gas and our status as the worlds reserve currency. If we have to start to pay for oil in hard currency the next politician who mentions $4.00/gal gasoline will be promising to cut the price in half.

If any of this comes to fruition we are in a world of hurt. Mostly talk right now, however Dr Paul has predicted much of this before and during his campaign and it's not good at all.

This whole debacle started under President of the United States Ronald Reagan when he agreed to the tax hikes on the promise from Congress of a $3 reduction in spending for every $1 increase in taxes. The promised spending reductions never occurred. One week after TEFRA was signed, H.R. 6863 - the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1982 which Ronald Reagan claimed would "bust the budget" was passed by both houses of Congress over his veto. After that the deficits sky rocketed under all of the President's from Reagan forward. Reagan, both Bush's and Clinton put us at the edge of the fiscal/monetary abyss and the Empty Suit propelled us into said abyss. The actions of the Congress 1982 through 1988 is what prompted Dr Paul to run as a Libertarian for President in 1988 denouncing the Reagan and the entire Political Parasite Class.

Some of what is happening now he was talking about even back then and slowly his observations have come to pass or seem likely to. But he's "Crazy Uncle Ron" and his supporters are called "Paul Bots", Ronulans, Nutters and worse! WHY? Because he's been right and no one wants to admit the Emperor wears no clothes?

If this all comes to pass and 50% of the population is standing in lines at soup kitchens someone will turn and say "That crazy Old B*stard Paul was right"

But hey the Empty Suit's going to save us.
Well Yea but............................Romney promised he'd cut gas prices in HALF if he wins the general election,.........................So not ALL politicians promises are Bad. :rolleyes:
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Well Yea but............................Romney promised he'd cut gas prices in HALF if he wins the general election,.........................So not ALL politicians promises are Bad. :rolleyes:

Obama is Romney in Black Face

Romney is Obama in White face

Two wings on the same bird of prey
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This was published in our discussion group by Johan de Broyer from Kiev, Ukraine. Johan is a skilled and veteran entrepreneur in the former Soviet Union and here in the US as well. I think it helpful to see a world view of the economic challenges and to realize that it's Obama and Bernanke along with the European Central Banks and public apathy that is the root problem. Give it a read.

The Financial Bubble 2012

Like during the Internet Bubble in 2000, now giant banks are most likely to crash, but first, before the crash of the Financial Bubble in America and Europe, the FED and the ECB are going to do everything to avoid the crash of the Financial Bubble, just by printing more, more and more money.

I worried.

Concerned about the future (financial) being of a huge group of ignorant citizens.

Again and again I find in my city that people realize that there is an economic and financial crisis going on, yet think that it all will be ok.

And not only ignorant citizens.

I taste too much indifference, because of the economic, financial and social disaster created by our politicians and central bankers the FED and the ECB.

See how the fact that the ECB just printed € 1,000 billion for the banks, and that this news was uncritically received by the media.

My opinion is that the ECB will print € 1,000 billion more money in May or June 2012, and the FED will do the same, because the 2012 presidential elections very soon, because Obama cannot afford a crash of the Financial Bubble in America and Europe, so the FED and the ECB are going to do everything to avoid the crash of the Financial Bubble before the 2012 presidential elections, just by printing more, more and more € $ billions for the banks.

No man who seems to wonder what for economic, financial and social consequences this has.

Central banks are hazardous to our financial health.

But that doesn't seem to thwart the efforts of central banks.

Short-term gain is masking long-term pain, insofar as central bank policy consequences are concerned.

So rather than get into the details of why central bank policy is hollowing out underlying economies, let's just worry about The Short-Term Consequences.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's comments early this week drove risk appetite higher. But in comments a few weeks prior, his lack of clarity on the subject of quantitative easing made some (me included) assume that the Federal Reserve would be sitting on its hands for a while to see how things in the economy played out.

One of three things could explain this flip-flop policy:

Bernanke is worried the economy is set to lose its recovery momentum,

Bernanke is worried the markets are set to lose their QE momentum, or

Bernanke is worried the government is set to lose its borrowing momentum.
Let's focus on the first two, because Bad News for the Economy Has Meant Good News for Markets.

So if the economy loses its recovery momentum and the Fed steps back in, is more QE an overall bullish force for the markets?

Or if the economy doesn't lose its recovery momentum and jobs are not qualified as being in structural decline and the Fed doesn't feel the need to step back in, is economic recovery still an overall bullish force for the markets?
If Ron Paul had his way it would be virtually assured that the dollar would no longer be the worlds reserve currency.

Russia Today is not what I would call an objective source of information. It's funded by the Kremlin so what you are esentially getting is the party line. In other words anything that makes the US look bad they will play it up.

Let's look at the various countries at theis so called summit. China, a communist dictatorship that manipulates it's it's currency. India, does not get along with China very well. China supplying weapons to it's nuclear armed buddy Pakistan. And in spite of the advances India has made the past twenty years they are still essentially a third world country. Brazil, same thing. They have a leftist leader, imagine what she's thinking. Also,next election she could find herself unemployed and her succesor cool to the idae of BRICS.

Then there's Russia, a country with more than a few people still pissed off about the cold war. Whose economy is an inneficent oil industry and selling weapons and commercial aircraft to countries that can't buy them from us. You also have to wonder what happens when Putin's gone. Or if the Russian people finally get tired of being treated like dirt and bite back.

What's makes anyone think these countries can agree on an alternative currency. Because you know at least three of them think's that they should be calling the shots.
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If Ron Paul had his way it would be virtually assured that the dollar would no longer be the worlds reserve currency.

Russia Today is not what I would call an objective source of information. It's funded by the Kremlin so what you are esentially getting is the party line. In other words anything that makes the US look bad they will play it up.

Let's look at the various countries at theis so called summit. China, a communist dictatorship that manipulates it's it's currency. India, does not get along with China very well. China supplying weapons to it's nuclear armed buddy Pakistan. And in spite of the advances India has made the past twenty years they are still essentially a third world country. Brazil, same thing. They have a leftist leader, imagine what she's thinking. Also,next election she could find herself unemployed and her succesor cool to the idae of BRICS.

Then there's Russia, a country with more than a few people still pissed off about the cold war. Whose economy is an inneficent oil industry adn selling weapons and commercial aircraft to countries that can't buy them from us. You also have to wonder what happens when Putin's gone. Or if the Russian people finally get tired of being treated like dirt and bite back.

What's makes anyone think these countries can agree on an alternative currency. Because you know at least three of them think's that they should be calling hte shots.

I'm OK with RT. Notice I never post anything from Alex Jones, WND, MoveOn. There has to be some level of objectivity. RT meets my standard. I usually try to find something from the BBC or elsewhere before I use them. Ludmilla from my discussion group sent it to me and she is an International banker who is very concerned about the rise of BRICS and their interest in moving from a fiat currency. Frankly anything she send me is "Gold" in my mind. Total credibility.

She firmly disagrees with your comment on Ron Paul. While I wouldn't call her a supporter she does like his fiscal conservatism. Europe is worried about the Fed and ECB cooking up this Quantitative Easing scheme to avoid a total collapse of the world economy.

More and more it looks as if Paul may be right as he was on the housing bubble.

BTW, I did find a paper that detailed how the US could implement a return to the Gold Standard without economic cchaos. It's HUGE and took hours to read but it could be done. If I can find the link again do you want me to send it or publish it here?
I'm OK with RT. Notice I never post anything from Alex Jones, WND, MoveOn. There has to be some level of objectivity. RT meets my standard. I usually try to find something from the BBC or elsewhere before I use them. Ludmilla from my discussion group sent it to me and she is an International banker who is very concerned about the rise of BRICS and their interest in moving from a fiat currency. Frankly anything she send me is "Gold" in my mind. Total credibility.

Really? Did you know Alex Jones has appeared on RT? They try and protray him as an "investigative jounalist" and not the conspiracy theory pedler/charlaton looking to make a quick buck off the idiots of the world. And guess who has been a guest on Alex Jones show? Your man Paul, guess some people will do anything to get attention.

How many hard hitting reports has RT done about Vladimir Putin? Any uncomfortable facts dug up on old Vlad? Doubtfull considering the Russian government bankrolls RT. I don't know how you can sit there with a straght face and say RT meets your level of objectivity. My guess is it's becasue they said somehting you liked. Just don't call the rest of us sheep.
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Really? Did you know Alex Jones has appeared on RT? They try and protray him as an "investigative jounalist" and not the conspiracy theory pedler/charlaton looking to make a quick buck off the idiots of the world. And guess who has been a guest on Alex Jones show? Your man Paul, guess some people will do anything to get attention.

How many hard hitting reports has RT done about Vladimir Putin? Any uncomfortable facts dug up on old Vlad? Doubtfull considering the Russian government bankrolls RT. I don't know how you can sit there with a straght face and say RT meets your level of objectivity. My guess is it's becasue they said somehting you liked. Just don't call the rest of us sheep.

Because what I've used from RT I verified elsewhere in most cases. As to the illustrious Mr Jones. I've learned a long time ago that no one is 100% wrong, 100% of the time. With guys like him you have to be very very careful, else you look like a fool. As to Dr Paul, Jones has voters. Would I go on his show? Yep in a heartbeat, but then I'd go into a sure ambush like Ed Schultz's show too. Seriously if you can't handle those types you probably aren't qualified to be President.

Frankly I'm not all that interested in Putin one way or another.
As to Dr Paul, Jones has voters.

In other words Dr. Paul is so desperaate for votes that he won't take a stand and call Alex Jones for what he is. Sounds to me like he's just another cowardly politician pandering for votes. Maybe that's why he did'nt return that neo-nazi money, did'nt want to upset the neo-Nazi crowd.

Kind of odd though when you think about it. It's not like the tin foil hat or neo-Nazi crowd was going to put him over the top and into the White House.
Because what I've used from RT I verified elsewhere in most cases.

Oh please, they said somthing you liked therefore you will defend RT despite the fact they are nothing more a than a mouth piece for the Kremlin. I bet you would be singing a different tune if a news organiztion was funded by the Obama Administration.
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In other words Dr. Paul is so desperaate for votes that he won't take a stand and call Alex Jones for what he is. Sounds to me like he's just another cowardly politician pandering for votes. Maybe that's why he did'nt return that neo-nazi money, did'nt want to upset the neo-Nazi crowd.

Kind of odd though when you think about it. It's not like the tin foil hat or neo-Nazi crowd was going to put him over the top and into the White House.

First off, Alex Jones has an audience just like Howard stern does. Dr Paul doesn't take a stand on what YOU think Alex Jones is. What Ron Paul thinks of Mr Jones I neither know nor care. He is immaterial to the issues at hand. I don't pay much attention to him because in general I'm not a Conspiracy Theory type person.

You're trying to hijack the point of the thread which was and is the economic policies of the Fed. I post stuff trgarding the economic collapse of the world economy and the difference between Austrian and Keynesian School and you're wasted server space on Alex Jones? Who gives a flying flip about Alex Jones? NOT ME. Why don't you try to respond to the articles posted like the economic bubble one? I'll tell you why! Because it's far easier to sling feces like some yard ape at news outlets that you disapprove of and attempt to discredit a person by the company they keep. William Ayers was by all accounts a terrorist who spent a great deal of time with the empty suit. Does that make Obama a terrorist???? Not anymore then me standing in a garage would make me a car.
You're trying to hijack the point of the thread which was and is the economic policies of the Fed. I post stuff trgarding the economic collapse of the world economy and the difference between Austrian and Keynesian School and you're wasted server space on Alex Jones? Who gives a flying flip about Alex Jones? NOT ME. Why don't you try to respond to the articles posted like the economic bubble one? I'll tell you why! Because it's far easier to sling feces like some yard ape at news outlets that you disapprove of and attempt to discredit a person by the company they keep. William Ayers was by all accounts a terrorist who spent a great deal of time with the empty suit. Does that make Obama a terrorist???? Not anymore then me standing in a garage would make me a car.

Are you kidding me! You try and hijack almost every thread on this board with your Ron Paul worshiping.

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