Mechanic Openings?

Have you tried brown? WIthin the last year we have hired in abot 5 techs in EWR. Usually get hired there and bid to Louisville.

Hello Brown, Did they hire the EWR guys full time or part time? Would be tough to make it part time in EWR thats for sure.

I don't know what to tell you about stalking the "online" site for AMT spots, sorry. What ever ends up going to the online site for bringing AMT's off the street can't REALLY be trusted. I know it sucks but it should - coulda - woulda, you know the drill. Every thing boils down to the line mgr for the line station, or hangar for that matter. First there is the internal bid so ANYBODY within the EXPRESS only division can bid on it. It does not matter what your position in the company is so long as it's the EXPRESS division.
So now here id the kicker, and it can hurt. Lets just say that an AMT position opens in....oh lets say....BOI comes up. OK now AMT's bid on it and so do few other employees that might be ramp handlers, truck drivers, couriers or god knows what else within the system. Anybody OUTSIDE of the AMT "job family" has no seniority for the particular position they are bidding so this group falls to the bottom of the list below any existing current fedex express AMT's that did bid.

Soooooo, now that every AMT has turned down the position the mgr will begin calling the employees that did bid on it and are out of the "job family". These employees are now ranked on the list by time with the company and how well there current mgr scored them on there annual evaluation. The more time in the company they have and the better there evaluation the more points they will have and now you get the point.
The mgr calls the guy with the highest points first and if the mgr does not like his experience that consist of working on regionals, general aviation, helicopters, or simply the attitude..........BANG!!!.....he is shot please!

Running the list he has come up dry and the position is still open. What's his next move? He might just ask the current guys at that station if they have any recommendations for friends off the street. If they do, and this is most likely the case you will never see most of the positions that did get filled off the street make it to the website. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

I know for a fact that LOTS of line stations have AMT"s off the street that didn't make it to the online site, some good location some not, but it doesn't matter because you take what you can and keep you mouth shut for a year and a half and bid the location that your seniority will allow.
The most common location that brings fresh blood off the street are as always OAK, MEM EWR and any station that is on the south border of Tex/Mex. But there are accept ions to the "rule" and for instance HNL has quite a few guys off the street.

The thing is that just because you have and A&P does not entitle you to an AMT position if you have worked for fedex in another position waiting for your time, because if you don't have the experience you will be waiting a very long time and just may never see it happen.

Sorry if this bring rain on parades and I know there are lots of AMT's out there looking for a ray of hope. The internal non acft mech position might be it if you have done your time and have the experience, but if you are a "fresh" A&P that has had the miss fortune of choosing the wrong path for the past several years you will be like all the other ramper's I know.....growing old pushing cans.
I'm not sure about AMTs getting a job in a station outside of going through the website. There are checks and balances in place to prevent just that. Perhaps it happened in the past, but now it is not possible to make it past HR without being in the system through the job seeker. It's not only the only way to be fair (as FedEx is), but keeps us them out of any "legal" issues.
Beleive me, if someone with the "heavy" time can get a internal package position with Fed Ex Express....and do a year of "pumping cardboard" GREATLY improves their chances. I know AT LEAST 10 guys who did the internal route and now they ALL have mech or maint positions (planning, MOCC)...
It paid off for ALL of them.
fedex eyes,
The mgr's can't higher right off the street like they used to BUT they still have ways of getting the guy they want if he is off the street and it's just as easy as it used to me.
Last week there was a position open in MEM on the website, but the posting was only up for a few days. Is this normal for a job posting? Or has someone already been selected and they just want him/her to fill out the online form for HR purposes?
Probably becasue Fed Ex was inundated with resumes. I remember applying for a Fed Ex mech job opening in HRL from the outside. There were over 600 applicants for one position !!!!!! Believe me man, internal is the way to go. It greatly increases your chances.
Although, if you are a gambling man, I have heard there will be more positions going to the street for MEM.
Well my interview was composed of 3 parts. First part was a 50 question multiple choice test, basic examples where: whats a MEL/CDL, Aircraft acronyms: APU, GPWS etc, Second part was electrical diagrams and schematics, what power at what pin ?, What drives this controller, solenoid, relay, etc, I also had to know JT8 eng run/trim tables. The third and final part was at the aircraft. The hiring mgr pointed out specific points on the a/c and you had to identify and answer how it work. He also took you into the flt deck and did the same all over. I'd be glad to help more if you could give me your e-mail in a "PM".
Since loosing my job in 2002 in aviation, then preparing for my future on my own for 5 years. I went against better judgment and started employment at a contract fuel tank company supporting Fed Ex world wide. I proved to Fed Ex that they where wasting 10's of thousands of dollars supporting a company that is only giving them 56% reliability. When Fed Ex looks at me and my 100% reliability they personally ask me how can they achieve that reliability company wide. My response was "allow me to manage your maintenance in INDY". I have now lost my job with the contract fuel company for breach of confidentially. Do you think they have contact with me in the last 10 days? Nope, so good luck to you.


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