Mec Code-a-phone Update - Aug 6th


Dec 11, 2002

September 6, 2004

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Monday, September 6th, with one new item.

MEC Chairman Bill Pollock is calling the MEC back into session at 3:30pm this afternoon at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, VA. The agenda for the reconvened meeting will be an update from the Negotiating Committee on the status of Transformation Plan negotiations and any action resulting from their report. While no agreement has been reached so far, the MEC may make a determination as to whether or not something could be sent out to the membership for ratification.

All pilots are urged to attend. Be advised that the hotel does not provide transportation from the airport and that portions of the reconvened meeting may be in closed session.

Please remember we have 1,879 pilots on furlough.

Thank you for listening.
I would hope so...but I've been known to be just a little too positive at times.....

Just kidding...BK this week.....
The company just provided the NC with a new proposal. The MEC is reviewing the September 4 and Setpember 6 proposals.

The debate is going on on whether or not to make one of these a TA, send out the proposal for vote without an MEC endorsement, or do nothing.

There should be more news tonight.


While no agreement has been reached so far, the MEC may make a determination as to whether or not something could be sent out to the membership for ratification.
sounds like the same old stuff from the last few who's playing games still? :rolleyes:
Gee, could it be the leaders from Pennsylvania were right all along?
hp_fa said:
Gee, could it be the leaders from Pennsylvania were right all along?
hp-fa you know that old license plant slogan "You've Got A Friend In Pennsylvania" really takes on a whole meaning with pilots. :p
USA320Pilot said:
The company just provided the NC with a new proposal. The MEC is reviewing the September 4 and Setpember 6 proposals.

The debate is going on on whether or not to make one of these a TA, send out the proposal for vote without an MEC endorsement, or do nothing.

There should be more news tonight.



I have an idea what they can do with the company proposals. Use them as toilet paper and toss them into the Potomac at the Key Bridge and let them float on down to CCY. That's about the most appropriate response I can come up with.