Fast Food Coupons Anyone?

Flying Titan

Oct 14, 2003
Aircraft cleaners use discount coupon as a rallying symbol
August 22, 2005

Discount cards that Northwest managers gave employees for a job well done have become a picket-line symbol of how little the airline values its striking plane cleaners.
The cards say "Thanks for Your Hard Work," and are worth $3 off at restaurants like Taco Bell and Quiznos in the McNamara Terminal at Detroit Metro Airport.
"The recognition coupons ... are used by members of the Detroit management team to recognize a job well done. They are used with all of our Detroit employee groups and distributed by supervisors," Northwest spokesman Kurt Ebenhoch said Sunday.
But in a nice gesture gone wrong, at least one Northwest manager continued to give plane cleaners the thank-you cards through their last shift before the strike began Friday.
It was a painful gesture for the plane cleaners because Northwest wants to eliminate all but 30 of their 800 jobs. They fear they'll never work for Northwest again, because the airline wants to hire an independent company to collect trash and vacuum its jets.
Rhonda Traylor said she refused a card offered to her.
"I thought it was a slap in the face," said Traylor, 43, of Detroit, who has worked as a plane cleaner for 10 years.When workers brought the cards to a Friday night rally, they became a symbol of Northwest's penny-pinching ways.
"How insulting after 16 years?" said aircraft cleaner Laura Byrd, 35, of Belleville, after receiving a coupon on her last shift Thursday.
The voucher became a rallying point on the picket line, as one striker made a large copy of the card and slapped it on a sign.
For Philisa Harris, 33 of Westland, the voucher came with a thank-you from her manager.
"His personal thanks was very much appreciated, but the company voucher was ridiculous," said Harris, a lead cleaner who has been working for Northwest for nearly 10 years. "We'd rather have our jobs."
Copyright © 2005 Detroit Free Press Inc.
I tend to think her supervisor meant well by giving her the coupon and she has to blow it out of proportion. I do agree a $3 coupon is trivial, but one has to realize that the company is losing money and it was meant to be a nice gesture. I doubt if you could actually have a meal for $3.
A lot of managers don't really get it when it comes to emplyoee recognition. We have had numerous gaffs similar to the fast food coupon one.

A good example. I used to work in an Overhaul Bay in ATL. We had made every ready time for two years. That is about one airplane a month like clockwork. Most other bays would only do 2-3 in a row and then something would happen and they pushed one a day or two late. We are also doing this on budget with almost no OT. It didn't matter if they shortened the number of days or loaded the visit with another mod, we were able to quickly adapt and make the ready time.

Near the end of our first year of this run our manager says to us in a crew meeting, 'Great job, I want to do something for you guys. Give me some ideas.' Me and another guy approached him about a all shift family cook out. We do cook outs on shift periodiclly but we never have much interaction shift to shift or with each others families that much. He loves the idea, shift to shift bonding, showing some support to our families, great fun to be had by all. Months go by, nothing. More airplanes meet ready times. We come in one day, good news! Ray B., our manager, just got promoted to manage the entire TPA hangar. New guy comes in. Same song and dance. More months go by. More planes make ready time. Rumors start flying about Overhaul being outsourced. The news comes. All overhaul visits are being outsourced with layoff info to follow. Days later we come in to work. There is our manager with arm loads of Pizza. Thanks for making all those ready times. More than half of his crew refused to stop working and eat his pizza.

As a side note the original manager in this tale is now the President at Pemco. Where he recently locked out his IAM mechanics before they even voted to strike.

Good Goes Around I Guess.